Simplifying Dependency Management Using Version Catalogs in Gradle

Sudarshan Dodiya

Dec 30, 2024

A look at how to define dependency versions once, and use them across multiple Gradle projects.
  • Glossary
  • Introduction to Version Catalogs
  • Using Version Catalogs in Gradle
  • Publishing Version Catalogs
  • Conclusion


Before we dive into the topic, let's first understand some of the terminology that we will be using throughout this post.

  • Gradle is a build automation tool that is used to build, test, and package software written in Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Scala, or any other JVM language. In layman terms, just think of it as a wrapper around the language compiler that adds some extra functionality to make it easier to build and test your software.
  • Dependencies are the libraries that your project depends on. Think of these as a set of useful code bundled up together that your project can use, instead of rewriting it everytime it is required.

Introduction to Version Catalogs

Generally, in a Gradle project, when you want to use a dependency, you need to define the following things:

  • The group of the dependency
  • The name of the dependency
  • The version of the dependency

For example, if you want to use the OkHttp library, you would define the following:

dependencies {

Now, if you want to use the same library in another module of your project, you will need to make sure that you are using the same version of the library, or you might face compatibility issues.

This can still be resolved by defining the version of the dependency in your project's file, like this:


and then referencing it in your build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {
    private val okhttpVersion: String by project

This is a good solution, and does solve our issue to a certain extent, but once you have to manage multiple projects, it becomes quite cumbersome to make sure that the versions are consistent across all the projects. Let's take a scenario where:

  • You have a set of functions that provide useful abstractions over the OkHttp library, and you use them in multiple projects.
  • To make it easier to manage these sets of functions, you decide to create a separate project that contains the functions that are common across all the projects, and you name the library common. This library uses OkHttp version 4.9.3 as its dependency.
  • In your project, you import the common library, but instead of using the version 4.9.3 that you are using in the common library, you use the version 4.10.0.

The given scenario might lead to the following issues:

  • The common library might not be compatible with the version of OkHttp that you are using in your project, which results in either a compilation error or a runtime error.
  • You might not be aware of the OkHttp version that you are using in your common library, and assume it's using the same version as your project, which might not be the case. This can lead to you not realizing that you are using an outdated version of OkHttp, which can result in security vulnerabilities in your code.
  • Every time you update the OkHttp version in your common library, you need to update it in all the projects that use the library, which can be a tedious and time-consuming process.

Here comes version catalogs to the rescue.

A version catalog is a selected list of dependencies that can be referenced in a Gradle build script in a type-safe manner.

To explain it in developer terms, think of it as a file where you mention all the strings required by the project, so that instead of mentioning the same string again and again, you can just reference it from that file, with auto-completion support as icing on the cake. It also helps that every time you need to update that string, you only need to do it in one place, instead of updating it in multiple places.

Using Version Catalogs in Gradle

Version catalog is defined in a file called libs.versions.toml in the gradle directory of your project. The libs.versions.toml file has four sections:

  • [versions]: Declare versions of the dependencies. If you have a set of libraries which belong to the same group, instead of mentioning versions for them separately, you can define them in a single place, and reference it for all the libraries for which it is applicable.
  • [libraries]: Here you can define the group, artifact, and version of the libraries that you are using in your project. For version, you can either mention the version directly, or you can reference a version from the [versions] section.
  • [bundles]: If you have a set of libraries that are commonly used together, you can define them as a bundle, and import the bundle in your project. Gradle will check which libraries belong to that bundle, and import them all.
  • [plugins]: Define plugins that you are using in your project. This is different from the [libraries] section, because plugins are not libraries, and instead of consisting of a group, artifact, and version, they consist of an id and a version.

An example libs.versions.toml file would look like this:

okhttp = "4.9.3"

okhttp-core = { group = "com.squareup.okhttp3", name = "okhttp", version = "4.9.3" } # mentioning the version directly
okhttp-logging = { group = "com.squareup.okhttp3", name = "logging-interceptor", version.ref = "okhttp" } # referencing the version from the okhttp version

okhttp = ["okhttp-core", "okhttp-logging"]

kotlin-jvm = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm" , version = "1.9.20" }

To use the version catalog in your project, you need to add the following lines to your build.gradle.kts file:

plugins {
    alias(libs.plugins.kotlin.jvm) // to use the kotlin-jvm plugin

dependencies {
    // You can either import the libraries separately
    // Or as a part of a bundle

Publishing Version Catalogs

So far, we have seen how to define version catalogs in a libs.versions.toml file, and how to use them in a Gradle project. However, this still does not solve the inherent problem of managing dependencies across multiple projects.

Fortunately, you can publish your version catalog, just like any other library! To do that, you need to import the following plugins:

plugins {

This will allow you to configure your version catalog, and configure maven-publish plugin to publish the catalog, like this:

catalog {
   versionCatalog {
       // Import the version catalog from the libs.versions.toml file

publishing {
    publications {
        create<MavenPublication>("maven") {
            artifactId = "version-catalog"
            group = "com.yourgroup"
            version = "1.0" // or a version from a configuration file

Now, along with your common library, you can import the version catalog in your projects, and use the same version of the OkHttp library that you are using in the common library.

Add this to your settings.gradle.kts file:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    versionCatalogs {
        create("libs") {

Voilà! Your version catalog is ready to be used in your project:

dependencies {

Now, every time you update the OkHttp version in common library, you only need to update your library version in the project, and the OkHttp version will automatically be updated!

But what if you want to use a library, that is not a part of version catalog?

In that case, you can customize the version catalog at the project level to include the library that you want to use:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    val log4jToSlf4jVersion: String by settings
    versionCatalogs {
        create("libs") {
            library("log4jToSlf4j", "org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-to-slf4j:$log4jToSlf4jVersion") // log4jToSlf4jVersion is defined in

Later you can add this library to your version catalog if you want this to be used across projects.

Can we publish the common library as a part of the version catalog?

Since the common library is getting published along with the version catalog, we would need to make sure that the library version is updated in libs.versions.toml with every release.

To avoid this, you can define the common library not as a part of libs.versions.toml, but as a part of the version catalog Gradle plugin, like this:

catalog {
   versionCatalog {
       // Import the version catalog from the libs.versions.toml file
       library("common", "com.yourgroup:common:$version")

Where you can dictate how the version is defined (environment variable, property, etc.).


We have seen how to define version catalogs, and how to use them in a Gradle project. Instead of spending days updating each and every dependency manually across projects, you can reduce the effort to just a couple of hours!!

Additionally, to reduce the time even more, you can use a plugin like version-catalog-update-plugin, which will automatically update the version of your dependencies to the latest version available that it can find. However, be careful while using such plugins, as sometimes they might update the version to an unstable one, which might not be desirable for your project.

Hope you found this post helpful!

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